Welcome to Dolgify

Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Laura, lead storyteller and owner of Dolgify.

I began my digital marketing career as an eCommerce copywriter 7 years ago, writing site copy, product descriptions, and social media captions. I quickly fell into design & development and the rest is history.

Today, I help small to mid-sized businesses scale their stores by the only way I know how: crafting a unique story that resonates with their customers.

Who You'll be Talking to

While I typically work with a team of contractors that help me with multiple projects, every project is managed by me.

That means you'll always be dealing with the same person. No handoffs and certainly no overly complicated processes.

Interested in working with us?

We were looking to revamp our website and Laura stepped in to help organize our efforts and be an advocate for us. She solves problems efficiently and makes sure we never waste time or money. Distance is of no concern (we are in Southern CA and she is in Montreal) as she is a great communicator via email and zoom. Her creativity and proactivity are some of her key competencies.

Collin Smith, The Cravory

You're in Good Hands.

Dolgify is a Shopify Expert Agency.

We know everything there is to know about Shopify and taking your business to the next level.