Free Goodies for Growth-Minded Merchants

Comprehensive guides and resources that are filled with actual actionable tips. Oh and wait…did I mention they’re free?!

How to Drive Organic Traffic To Your Store With Blogging (1).png

Enneagram 8 ✷ SEO Junkie ✷ Data Lover

Enneagram 8 ✷ SEO Junkie ✷ Data Lover

Meet Your Newest eCommerce Consultant aka Your Biggest Fan ✷

Meet Your Newest eCommerce Consultant aka Your Biggest Fan ✷

Hi, I’m Laura!

I began my digital marketing career as an eCommerce copywriter 7 years ago, writing site copy, product descriptions, and social media captions. I quickly fell into the world of design & development and the rest is history.

Today, I help small to mid-sized businesses scale their stores by the only way I know how: crafting a unique story that resonates with their customers.

I also teach the fundamentals store owners need to successfully grow their own business.

From building organic traffic to your store and crafting well optimized and engaging emails, I’ve helped multiple businesses (even with no budget) grow their brand and sales.

How to Build a Buyer Persona For Your Brand