5 Ideas to Supercharge Your Email Marketing Strategy (and Make Your Customers Fall in Love with Your Inbox!)

If your newsletters or email automations aren't generating 20% of your total revenue, it's time for a new strategy. I’m here to show you exactly HOW to supercharge your email game and make your customers fall head over heels for your brand. But first...

Email marketing is hands down the most effective (and one of the cheapest) strategies you can implement for your online store because you have direct access to potential customers. By having their email or phone number, you're able to consistently engage with them. It's like having a secret key to their inbox!

So what do you do if your emails aren't producing 20% of your total revenue? Start by...

1) Running A/B Tests Like a Mad Scientist

If you already have your email automations set up, I definitely suggest running tests against them. These tests can be done at a timing, content or at the email inbox level, but make sure you test one at a time so that you can get clear results.

Why are A/B tests crucial for email marketing? It's all about optimization. By testing different elements of your emails, you can figure out what resonates best with your audience and what makes them more likely to engage with your content.

2) Is Your Content Worth Clicking On? (Or Is It Putting Your Customers to Sleep?)

If your click rates are low on your emails (both newsletters and automations), chances are the content is not as engaging or incentivising as it can be. 

A lot of clients I work with get hyper-focused on sending sales-centric emails and forget about actually producing content their newsletter subscribers might want to see. 

Your emails should nurture your relationship with your audience, so stop bombarding them with sales pitches. What else can you provide that might be engaging? Think of it as sending a thoughtful gift, not just another sales pitch.

Also, consider writing some blog content. Is there a way to tie that into your email strategy? It's like adding a secret ingredient to your email recipe – a dash of valuable content can go a long way! 

At the end of the day, just like your site, you want to make sure your emails are helping subscribers along their journey. This will ultimately lead them to trusting and potentially purchasing from you.

3) Added to Cart Flow: The Missed Opportunity

Picture this: a potential customer is browsing your store, falling in love with your products, and adding them to their cart. But then, life happens – a phone call, a distraction, or maybe they're just not quite ready to commit. They abandon their cart, and you're left wondering, "What could have been?"

Enter the Added to Cart Flow – your secret weapon to turn those almost-purchases into real sales!

Many email and e-commerce providers offer a trigger for when a user adds a product to their cart. While abandoned checkout emails have always been the norm, the Added to Cart automation takes it to the next level. 

Here's how it works: if a subscriber adds an item to their cart but doesn't make it to the checkout, they'll receive an email showcasing their abandoned products. It's a gentle nudge that can work wonders for your conversion rates.

If you're using Klaviyo (which I highly recommend) emails can be sent with both Shopify and Bigcommerce. Note that this flow works only with users who have been previously cookied by Klaviyo, meaning they had to have given their email already. Sendlane and Omnisend also offer Add to Cart flows.

4) Segmentation: Because every subscriber is unique

If you're not segmenting your customers based on their purchasing behavior, engagement, or product preferences, you're leaving money on the table. It's like trying to have a meaningful conversation with a room full of people who speak different languages. Chaos!

Your newsletter list is a beautiful, diverse tapestry of individuals, each with their own unique preferences, motivations, and buying behaviors. To put it simply, you should be segmenting your lists as such.

Imagine this: you're running a natural skincare line, and you've got two star products – a moisturizer and a sunscreen. Chances are, the customers who buy the moisturizer have different skin concerns and interests than those who purchase the sunscreen. By segmenting your list, you can tailor your content to speak directly to each group's needs and desires. 

Along with segmentation, I highly suggest adding personalization...and I mean more than just slapping a "Hey [First Name]" at the top of your email. Dive deep into your customers' data – their purchase history, abandoned carts, and browsing behavior. Use that information to craft emails that feel like they were written just for them.

Imagine opening an email that says, "Hey [Name], we noticed you've been eyeing that [Product Name] for a while now. We thought you might like to know it's back in stock, and we've got a special discount just for you!" It's like having a personal shopping assistant who knows your style and budget.

5) Review the Data: It Never Lies

It goes without saying that you should always be reviewing your email and newsletter data. Make sure to keep an eye out for bounce rates, spam rates, and unsubscribes so that you can understand your email deliverability and why people are unsubscribing.

If too many people are unsubscribing from your list, it might be time to rethink your customer persona and site messaging. Is it unfocused? Is it confusing or inconsistent? Redefining your target audience will help you grow your list and ultimately your overall revenue. Remember, a clean, engaged list is a profitable list, so don't be afraid to make changes when needed!

Hi! If we haven't already met, I'm Laura! Founder of Dolgify and author of this little blog. I help small to mid-sized merchants build stores and stories their customers deserve. If you liked this post and want to learn more, here are a few ways you can connect with me:

Join my email list: For a bi-weekly dose of eCommerce insights, tips, and the occasional behind-the-scenes look at how I help merchants like you succeed. I promise to keep it fun, engaging, and always valuable.
Explore my services: See how I can help you create an eCommerce store that's as unique as your brand. From crafting compelling copy to designing custom Shopify themes, I've got you covered. Let's work together to bring your vision to life and build an online presence that stands out from the crowd.
Dive into the Dolgify blog: Find more posts like this one, covering everything from customer personas to email marketing and beyond.

If you have any questions or just want to say hi, feel free to send me an email or connect with me on Instagram. I'd love to hear from you! Until next time, keep building those amazing stores and stories. Your customers (and your bottom line) will thank you for it!



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