Engage Your Audience: How to Write a Standout Shopify 'About Us' Page

How often do you pass by a website’s ‘About Us’ page, only to be handed a generic, boilerplate description of who they are and what they do? It rarely provokes thought or motivates you, right? So WHY are you doing the same thing on your site?!

Let’s set the record straight: if you think you have no story to tell about your business or brand, toss that thought aside.

As a brand storytelling expert, I’ve crafted compelling stories (and “About Us” pages) from scratch. It IS possible, and I’m going to show you exactly how.

The first thing to remember when writing your ‘About Us’ page is to focus not on your brand but on the buyer or ideal customer landing on your site. When creating an about us page on Shopify, consider what will make them swoon and think, “Ooo yes, I’m SOLD!”

Why Do You Need an About Us Page?

If you're questioning whether you really need an About Us page on your Shopify store, I'm going to be the one to shake your shoulders and tell you to do it. LIKE RIGHT NOW.

A well-crafted about us page is essential for building trust and credibility with your potential customers. It’s your platform to showcase your brand story, values, and mission and to tie it back to your customer personas. When customers believe you truly understand their needs and frustrations, they’re more likely to trust you, leading to increased customer satisfaction and higher conversion rates.

Plus, a standout about us page can attract customers and differentiate your brand in a crowded market.

Brand Statement

So how do you get started?

Well...first, we’re going to create a little something called a “brand statement.”

What is a brand statement, you ask?

If you Google “Brand Statement,” you’ll find dozens of articles explaining what it is and how long it should be. For our purposes, let’s consider it 3-4 sentences that weave in two key elements:

  1. Brand Identity: The values that give your brand its unique personality.

  2. Unique Selling Proposition: Presenting your product as the solution to your customer’s problems or frustrations.

Well, that was a lot, but stick with me! Let’s explore Brand Identity first.

Brand Identity 

Just like your ideal customer, you and your business hold a set of values that form the foundation of your brand's story. These brand values could include honesty, diversity, innovation, or even things like family, relationships, quality time, and community. While brand identity can also include your vision and mission, I really want you to focus on the values you bring your customers for this first part.

I also want you to think about how you’re going to communicate these values to your customers. Is your tone going to be passionate? Quirky? Casual? Serious?

Once you’ve figured out those shared values as well as tone, let’s move on to your unique selling proposition.

Unique Selling Proposition 

This can be tricky because many people think of it as simply comparing their product to the competition. In reality, it’s about showcasing the value your product brings to your customers’ lives. What problem are they currently facing, and how can your product solve it?

For this proposition to be effective, it must be outward-focused, directly engaging with your customers. Remember, customers relate more to real-life narratives behind brands, so sharing authentic stories can enhance engagement and retention.

The easiest way to figure this out? Ask yourself: What problem does your product solve? Boredom? Waste? Mess? Reflect on your customer personas. If you’ve already done that exercise, most of these questions should be answered.

Think about it and jot it down.

Now, Let’s Create Your Brand Statement

SO - now that you have your Unique Value Proposition and you've developed your Brand Identity, we're going to weave both into a brand statement that can be used on your about us page. While copywriters write their brand statements multiple ways, this is how I want you to lay it out:

  1. A strong heading that includes you and your ideal customers’ shared values

  2. 2-3 sentences that describe your customers' frustrations and highlight how your product can help.

  3. A sentence or question that leaves your customer curious and engaged

To get those creative juices running, here are some real client statements I've written:

Reconnect with What Matters Most

We believe that the moments we take for ourselves or others should never feel compromised.

Whether you’re looking to get your Kamado grill lit up quickly to enjoy dinner with friends or planning to sit with family around the backyard fire pit, the RocketFire Torch will always get you there faster.

Finally, you can get back to what really matters most.

By homeowners for homeowners.

Your home is where a lifetime of personalized, unforgettable moments will take place, so why settle for the ordinary?

At ROUS, we’re on a simple mission: design stand out hardware products. Geared towards the outside-the-box thinker, the one that is and will always be, unapologetically themselves. Our hardware is not only functionally designed, but reflects your personality and taste.

We’ve re-imagined hardware for the future.

Where Every Day is a Reason to Celebrate

A cookie can be many things.

To us, it represents a world of endless possibilities; A delicious surprise created with a dash of curiosity and a pinch of imagination. A tasty treat we can always count on for celebrating the small and big moments in life.

Whether you’re looking to buy cookies for a loved one, a friend, a colleague or just for the heck of it - we’re here to celebrate right alongside you.

The Bottom Line about Brand Statements 

Keep it punchy and try not to overthink it. The best statements are those that are clear, concise and consistent!

This is your first step toward creating an engaging and unique ‘About Us’ page. Place that brand statement at the top of your page, and you’ll hook your ideal customer right away. For the rest of the page, sprinkle in your brand’s mission statement, vision, and any other valuable information for your website visitors. I highly suggest including the following:

  • Background on your company & founders (if you’re comfortable with being the face of your brand)

  • Charities or donations you might be working or involved with

  • Other unique selling points that can be linked to other pages on your site (ie: sustainability, values, vision - sometimes not everything can fit on one page)

Hi! If we haven't already met, I'm Laura! Founder of Dolgify and author of this little blog. I help small to mid-sized merchants build stores and stories their customers deserve. If you liked this post and want to learn more, here are a few ways you can connect with me:

Join my email list: For a bi-weekly dose of eCommerce insights, tips, and the occasional behind-the-scenes look at how I help merchants like you succeed. I promise to keep it fun, engaging, and always valuable.
Explore my services: See how I can help you create an eCommerce store that's as unique as your brand. From crafting compelling copy to designing custom Shopify themes, I've got you covered. Let's work together to bring your vision to life and build an online presence that stands out from the crowd.
Dive into the Dolgify blog: Find more posts like this one, covering everything from customer personas to email marketing and beyond.

If you have any questions or just want to say hi, feel free to send me an email or connect with me on Instagram. I'd love to hear from you! Until next time, keep building those amazing stores and stories. Your customers (and your bottom line) will thank you for it!



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